The flexibility of homeschooling is that it can happen in Vietnam, Hong Kong, Vancouver, or California. On a reduced summer schedule, we still try to work on some subjects like Spelling, Writing, and Math. Otherwise Caleb's either reading, building circuits, or playing with friends.
Caleb has been able to enjoy the pool a little bit this summer with daddy. He has yet to learn how to swim though. Right now he is still more interested in playing instead. I try to soap up some sun too as my doc just told me I'm low on Vitamin D. Perhaps living in the Central Highlands of Vietnam did it. Or just the fact that I've been doing more of what the Vietnamese do--carrying an umbrella under the sun.
We are from California USA. Andy serves as an English teacher in Vietnam, and Grace homeschools our now 15-year-old son Caleb. We've been in Vietnam for a blessed ten years. Although this blog may not always be up to date, we hope it gives you a glimpse of what life is like for us in Vietnam.