Monday, November 17, 2008

Caleb speaks Vietnamese

Not! The only Vietnamese word he has picked up so far is "Không". It means "No". He learned this one on his own while we were living in a hotel in Ha Noi, when I ordered my sandwiches on the phone. After a few times of hearing me say, "No mayo!" in Vietnamese, he figured "Không" must have meant "No". I need to teach him that in the south, we say, "Hông".

Caleb normally does not like to speak anything else except English. But yesterday, during his weekly play time with a Vietnamese boy, he actually used the one VNese word he knows. The boy kept tearing down one of Caleb's K'nex structures, so Caleb had to keep screaming "Không" at the boy to stop him. The boy didn't stop (he probably didn't understand Caleb's VNese), and Caleb ended up crying. I can certainly understand his frustration since local people have a hard time understanding me all the time, and I don't think my VNese is all that bad.

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