Tuesday, August 14, 2012

What am I doing here

One knows she's back in Vietnam when she steps out of that airport, into the muggy humid air, into the sounds and smells that so overwhelm the senses, into the stares, into the closeness of bodies behind her at custom counters and in security lines. For each of the past four years, I hear myself asking the same question: What am I doing here? It is difficult to answer from a human point of view. It is. But I also know that after a couple of weeks, I won't be asking that anymore. Our Creator has given man amazing adaptability. However, I do not hope for myself to just adapt, but to be able to respond with joy. The same joy that was set before the Founder and Perfecter of my faith. The same joy that enabled Him to endure the cross (Hebrews 12:2).


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love what you wrote, completely true so true