Thursday, August 7, 2008

Miscellaneous update

We found out the unknown bird in the noodle soup we were eating the other day was the swan. It tasted so good we went back to that same alley for another dinner there. And the husband was in the back cleaning the swans and posing for us.

On the other end of the spectrum of our dining quest, we also found Pizza Hut and Caleb enjoyed pizza there with his new friends Max and Bret.

The streets are really noisy crowded with motorbikes, buses, and cars constantly honking to warn the others out of their way. Having to do walking quite a bit here is hard on Caleb with the noise and heat, and much of the time he wants us to carry him. We are grateful many teammates offer to take turns carrying him. Here's Caleb enjoying Mr. Berkeley's shoulder, and making friends with Mr. Bryant, who will be teaching in Laos and Cambodia, respectively.

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