Wednesday, August 13, 2008

What resolution?

We ate sandwiches with raw lettuce and tomatoes today for lunch. I guess we'll just have to deal with the worms when they show. It's hard to eat a sandwich without any kind of vegies. Saying grace before each meal now includes real petitions.


Mike Ling said...

Hey, it's Mike L here...

I saw a commercial yesterday for some medicine that treats "atherosclerosis" reminded me of you and your old company.


They should have done some more research before choosing "Atheros" as the name! ohwell

Anyway, thanks for the updates, I check on your blog every 2-3 days.


Andy said...

Hey Mike. Thanks for the comment. I think ATHR spent a lot of money for that name. We were told that Atheros was the name of the Greek god of Wireless Communications.